News Fun & Joy Yesterday we went to Bammbao, a restaurant in the heart of Usera. We had a lot of fun, great food and some beers! Already planning the next lab outing!
Categoría: Sin categoría
News JOINED IRYCIS 2023 We attended the II Doctoral Students Research Day of IRYCIS, held at the Ramon y Cajal Hospital. It was an enriching day where we can learned about the outstanding research done at our institution. Moreover, Laura was selected as one of the speakers. She shared her results on the modification of the… Seguir leyendo JOINED IRYCIS 2023
Welcome, Fran!
News Fran joins the lab! I’m currently finishing my Degree in Biology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. After a first internship in the lab, now I’ve come back to Evodynamics to finish my Bachelor Thesis and to learn more about the incredible world of microbiology. I’m eager to broaden my knowledge and to put all… Seguir leyendo Welcome, Fran!
Tamara is visiting the lab!
News Tamara is visiting the lab for six months Tamara moved from Vienna to Madrid last week to do her Master’s thesis with us. She will be working on the project of combining CRISPR/Cas9 and FMT to fight antibiotic resistant bacteria. “I am very much looking forward to my time here in Madrid. My colleagues… Seguir leyendo Tamara is visiting the lab!
Marga joins the lab!
News Marga joins the lab She is a pharmacist in the last year of clinical microbiology residency at Ramón y Cajal hospital. She has come for a three-month stay to learn about mobile genetic elements and bacterial fitness. We’re pleased to have you here!
João Gama joins the lab!
News João Gama joins the lab João Gama just moved south from the Arctic to join the Evodynamics lab as a postdoc. He will continue exploring the behaviours of mobile genetic elements. We’re glad to have you here!!!
Cris goes to Delft
News Cris goes to Delft Exciting news! Cris embarks on a three-month work trip to Delft (NL) to learn the intricate world of metabolic modeling of bacterial horizontal gene transfer within the Metabolism of Microbial Communities group, led by Djordje Bajic. In the second picture, you can see us in our recent Christmas meeting… Seguir leyendo Cris goes to Delft
Season’s Greetings
News Happy Holidays! The Evodynamics group closes (briefly) the doors of the laboratory to celebrate the festive period. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! 2024, we are ready!
European Researchers Night
News European researchers’ night On September 29, we were with the EcoEvoBioma group participating in the European researchers’ night. It was very gratifying to see children and families enjoy learning about microbiology. We are looking forward to participating again next year!
Congrats Ada!
News Last July, after defending her Master Thesis, Ada finished her master in Biotechnology. New perspectives are yet to be explored and she will continue working on the project and collaborating in the lab. Congratulations!!🥳